Our Water Smart City

Townsville continues to experience the impact of variable climate and uncertain wet seasons. For our city to grow sustainably, it is important we ensure our water services meet future demands and empower our community to create lasting waterwise changes.

Conserving Water Use OutdoorsCalendar showing water no more than twice in the dry and never when it's wet

Did you know that more than 70% of total household water in Townsville is used on our lawns and gardens?

Data shows that when it rains in Townsville, water use across the city drops dramatically. When it doesn’t rain, water use increases significantly. There are many smart practices people can adopt to keep gardens and lawns healthy without requiring lots of water.

The city is currently under water conservation measures due to an algal bloom at the Ross River Dam. When these naturally occurring blooms occur, it slows the water treatment process because additional mechanisms, which need more time to work efficiently, are put in place to treat the water. These Australian standard controls are in place to continue to provide quality water to households and require the community to conserve their water use for the duration of the bloom.

See below hints and tips on being water smart and conserving water in your home.

Waterwise Videos

There are a lot of ways we can all play a part in reducing water use and help Townsville to become a water smart city.


Our water smart factsheets provide great advice about water behaviours and water efficiency ideas for both inside and outside of the home.

Seasonal Lawn Care Calendars

Together we can be a water smart city.

Did you know that more than 70% of total household water in Townsville is used on our lawns and gardens. Water no more than twice a week in the dry and never when it’s wet.

Water Smart Garden – Anderson Gardens

Water Smart Garden - Anderson Gardens Map

The Water Smart Garden was created to show just how easy it is to achieve your own water smart garden at home.

The garden contains four zones that will teach you how to become a sustainability giant! These include: water, energy, waste and biodiversity.

You’ll learn how small changes can make a big difference – like reducing your water use, carbon footprint and household waste.

The Water Smart Garden is located in Anderson Gardens, across from Kokoda Memorial Pool.