Reusables Rebate

Registrations for the Reusables Rebate have now closed.

Townsville City Council offered a Reusables Rebate to help Townsville residents with the initial costs to purchase reusable products. We hoped to help Townsville residents get started with reusables and work together towards reaching our aim of diverting 60% of household waste from landfill by 2026.

Townsville residents currently send 2,730 tonnes of disposable nappy and sanitary products to landfill each year equating to the same weight as approximately 14 million disposable nappies per annum. These items take up valuable space in our landfill and are estimated to take up to 500 years to break down.

The good news is there is an abundance of reusable alternatives on the market including modern cloth nappies, cloth sanitary pads, menstrual cups, and period underwear. These reusable options can help residents to divert waste from landfill, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save money.

Claimable Items

Eligible products included:

  • cloth and swim nappies
  • reusable inner liner for nappies
  • reusable wipes
  • reusable nursing breast pads
  • reusable cloth sanitary pads
  • reusable menstrual cups
  • reusable period and/or incontinence underwear
  • wet bags.


  • eligible residents could apply for 50% of the purchase price of eligible reusable products
  • there was a maximum rebate of $200 on reusable cloth nappy products and $100 on other eligible reusable products
  • a minimum total product purchase of $50 was required to be eligible for this rebate
  • each applicant could claim a maximum of rebate of $300 between reusable nappy products and other eligible products
  • the rebate did not cover any cost or expense incurred by the Applicant for the postage or delivery of the Eligible Products.

The offer was available until all funds were expended.