Sustainable Destination

Queensland Government Tourism Business Capability Subsidy Funding

The Queensland Government is providing funding up to $2,000 for eligible tourism and events businesses in Townsville to undertake eco-certification and sustainability training, and business development courses.

Read the subsidy guidelines and apply on the Queensland Government website.

Keep checking this page for more information on upcoming Eco Destination programs and opportunities.

Congratulations! Townsville Region awarded ECO Destination Certification

Townsville is a globally recognised ECO Destination

Townsville City Council has been working towards building and maintaining a Sustainable Destination, in line with Council’s Corporate Plan goal of creating a sustainable destination that embraces and participates in the arts, sports, events and recreational activities as well as maintaining Eco certified Destination status.

In April 2024, the Townsville region met globally recognised sustainability standards to achieve ECO Destination Certification at the Nature Tourism level with Ecotourism Australia.

Townsville is the third destination in Queensland and the ninth in Australia to become an ECO Destination, solidifying the region as a leader in sustainable ecotourism. Townsville joins a network of more than 200 international destinations promoting sustainable management, responsible tourism, and positive socio-economic, environmental and cultural impacts.

Local initiatives are building:

  • tourism that benefits the environment and attracts visitors
  • experiences and interactions with visitors that contribute to restorative and regenerative practices across our region
  • building an interconnected web of business, community and industry participating in authentic sustainability
  • a shift in perspective of tourism as part of a greater “living system” in Townsville.

Be part of riding the new wave of sustainable business.