The Percivals 2014

Cover of The Percivals 2014 Catalogue

Consistently evolving, The Percivals has now become one of the nation's richest portrait prizes.  To meet this billing, the exhibition has further evolved in a number of significant ways in 2014; among them the pre-selection of works by a panel of industry figures, and the production of this beautiful catalogue of selected works.

Image: The Percivals 2014 Catalogue
Left: Joshua Miels, The Perfectionist [detail], oil on canvas, 160 x 130 cm
Right: Roderick McNicol, The Late Blossoming of Jack Charles [detail], archival digital print, 80 x 65 cm

The Percivals 2014 Award Winners

Glencore Percival Portrait Painting Prize

Frank Giacco
Charles Blackman 2010

Oil on canvas, 198 x 200 cm

Acquired into the City of Townsville Art Collection

Frank Giacco, <i>Charles Blackman</i> 2010 

DUO Magazine Percival Photographic Portrait Prize

Roderick McNicol
The Late Blossoming of Jack Charles

Archival digital print, 80 x 65 cm

Acquired into the City of Townsville Art Collection

Roderick McNicol, <i>The Late Blossoming of Jack Charles</i> 

Townsville City Council People’s Choice Award

Rosana Kersh
The book of John

Photographic paper, 100 x 70 cm

Rosana Kersh, <i>The book of John</i> 

Telstra Stores Townsville People’s Choice Awards

Rob Douma

Acrylic, 100 x 150 cm

Rob Douma, <i>Red</i> 

Percival Animal Portrait Prize

Jenny Hyatt

Scratcher board and intense pencil, 30 x 38 cm

Jenny Hyatt, <i>Shumba</i>