Council Service Delivery and Performance

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Townsville City Council is responsible for providing water supply services to the Townsville area which includes the management of our water supply (dams), water production, water consumption, water quality and the critical infrastructure delivering water to your home.

Townsville City Council is responsible for providing wastewater services to the Townsville area which includes a sewerage network that collects, transports, treats and disposes of wastewater (sewage) from homes and businesses in the city.

Townsville City Council is responsible for providing solid waste and recycling services to the Townsville area, including a kerbside refuse service and landfill sites.

Council’s Procurement Services datasets include the total number of suppliers currently active and engaged with Council, the total value of spend (purchase orders) conducted with these suppliers, and tenders released by Council.

Citylibraries has three locations in Flinders Street, Aitkenvale and Riverway as well as our Mobile Library service and Home service. Libraries have become far more than simply a repository for books. They are essential community hubs; places where everyone can learn, engage and participate in a network of activity and information.

Townsville City Council is committed to transparent, responsible and open disclosure of information to the community, and to a complaints management process which ensures the transparent, fair and timely resolution of complaints.

Measures of Financial Sustainability are required under section 169 of the Local Government Regulation 2012. Relevant measures of financial sustainability allow Council to understand future financial commitments for infrastructure assets and informs Council’s approach to service provision, service levels and managing debt.

Development applications are a key indicator of economic activity in Townsville.

Townsville City Council's Customer Service Charter is our commitment to provide you with a prompt and efficient service which is friendly and professional and provide you with easy access to our services.

Townsville City Council supports community-led micro engagement opportunities, which leads to improved social cohesion, pro-social behaviour, and a more resilient community. Initiatives include Christmas Together and Neighbour Day Grants to build connected communities, and Gardens Without Borders to contribute to urban ecosystem services and public greenspace.

Townsville City Grants and Partnerships provide funding and in kind support to help local community organisations and businesses to make positive contributions to the quality of life in Townsville.

Townsville City Council welcomes you to participate and have your say on a range of projects and initiatives in our community. Your feedback will contribute to shaping our city, and guide Council on decision making and planning for the future.

Maintenance of the Townsville Urban and Natural Environments is a key service for public amenity, including regular requests for tree maintenance, road defects, grass cutting, pot holes and public toilets maintenance.

Council operates the cemeteries within Townsville, including the cemeteries located at Belgian Gardens and West End. The Townsville War Cemetery is situated within the Belgian Gardens Cemetery. Manton Cemetery is a small cemetery located west of Townsville. There is also one historic cemetery located at Magnetic Island.

Building approvals are a key indicator of economic activity in Townsville demonstrating the value and volume of building work approved and undertaken in Townsville.

Townsville City Council provides recreational access to a number of beaches and lagoons, supported by lifeguard services.

Council has a range of Arts and Culture facilities including our theatres and galleries. Our theatres offer a range of entertainment and special events and provide an environment to further develop performing arts in Townsville and the North, while our galleries host a selection of exhibitions, artist talks, workshops and other events and displays for a wide audience of locals and visitors to the region.

Registration and identification of pets in urban areas is important for the wellbeing of the animals themselves, owner's peace of mind, and to allow Council to plan for future community needs.

The team who run the city are as diverse as they are specialised. We have teams who focus on keeping our parks clean and tidy right through to teams responding to your messages on social media.

Image showing breakdown of workforce profile
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