Projects - Environmental Approval Documents
Below is a list of environmental approvals for Council projects to manage environmental considerations present on project sites.
Haughton Pipeline Project
Annual Compliance Report
Annual Compliance Report (PDF 5.2 MB)
This compliance report has been prepared to satisfy the requirements of Condition 27 and Condition 28 of EPBC Approval 2021/9133.
Approval Decision Notice (PDF 5.4 MB)
Notification from DCCEEW advising of application decision and conditions associated with approved works.
Preliminary Documentation
Adequacy Review Response (PDF 178.7 KB)
This letter has been prepared to provide a summary of responses to the Department’s adequacy review comments on the draft Preliminary Documentation (PD) for the Haughton Pipeline, Stage 2 Project, Queensland (EPBC 2021/9133), received 9 September 2022.
Information Request Response (PDF 17.1 MB)
This report presents the Preliminary Documentation (PD) in response to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) Request for Further Information (dated 10 March 2022, EPBC ref: 2021/9133) for an assessment under Part 9 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) for the HPS2 Project, Mulgrave, Qld (the Project).
Public Comments Response (PDF 176.8 KB)
This letter has been prepared to provide a response to the public comments received on the draft Preliminary Documentation (PD) for the Haughton Pipeline, Stage 2 Project, Queensland (EPBC 2021/9133), received 19 December 2022.
Appendix A – Project Coordinates (PDF 115.0 KB)
Listing of project site coordinates.
Appendix B – MNES Report (PDF 15.6 MB)
This report has been prepared to identify and assess matters of national environmental significance (MNES) under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) which are likely to be impacted by the proposed action.
Appendix C – MNES Report – Desktop results (PDF 3.6 MB)
This report provides general guidance on matters of national environmental significance and other matters protected by the EPBC Act in the area you have selected.
Appendix D – MNES report – Fauna and weed species identified during field surveys (PDF 179.6 KB)
This report presents the fauna and weed species identified during field surveys.
Appendix E – MNES report – Likelihood of occurrence (PDF 230.9 KB)
This report presents the likelihood of occurrence of fauna and weed species under the EPBC Act as identified during field surveys.
Appendix F – MNES report – Risk framework (PDF 152.2 KB)
This report presents the impact of risk to the identified fauna and weed species.
Appendix G – MNES report – figures (PDF 8.7 MB)
This report presents the associated figures of the MNES assessment report.
Appendix H – MNES report – figure calculations (PDF 220.7 KB)
This report provides the figure calculations associated with the MNES assessment report.
Appendix I – NRA – Gap Analysis and Planning Assessment (PDF 2.2 MB)
This report is a gap analysis and planning report based on a desk-based review and site visit. The purpose of the review is to identify potentially relevant environmental approvals and any work needed to progress project planning and approval applications.
Appendix J – Supplementary Ecological Surveys (PDF 3.7 MB)
This report is the supplementary survey report of the project area to assess and map the weed, threatened and near threatened flora species and, fauna breeding places.
Appendix K – NRA – EPBC Self assessment (PDF 1.9 MB)
The purpose of the self-assessment report is to re-evaluate the potential for significant impacts to Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) under the EPBC Act given the changes to the Project design and environmental context.
Appendix L – NRA – Environmental Analysis Report (EAR) (PDF 12.3 MB)
This report has been prepared for the construction phase of the project to describe the proposed works and relevant Commonwealth and State legislative obligations, existing natural environment in the project area from desk-based and field studies, potential impacts of proposed works on the environment, assess the likely impacts and, provide measures to avoid or minimise impacts.
Appendix M – Biodiversity Australia – Rapid Habitat Assessment: Black Throated Finch (PDF 6.7 MB)
This report presents the preliminary regional ecosystems (RE) verification over the project area with the methodology for Survey and Mapping of Res and Vegetation Communities in Queensland, characterisation of the remnant and non-remnant vegetation over the study areas and identification of potential habitate for the Black Throated Finch.
Appendix N – Ecological Interpretation – BioCondition Survey (PDF 369.1 KB)
This report explains the method and results of a field based BioCondition survey along the proposed Haughton Pipeline 2 alignment.
Appendix O – Offset Area Management Strategy (OAMS) (PDF 6.9 MB)
This OAMS has been prepared to guide the delivery and compliance of offset commitments specified in the PD requirements issued by DCCEEW for the Project. MNES that require delivery of an offset due to significant residual impacts, and are thus the focus of this plan, are the koala, southern black-throated finch and bare-rumped sheathtail bat.
Appendix P – Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) (PDF 3.6 MB)
The CEMP identifies control measures to manage or mitigate environmental risks during the Projects construction. A CEMP is a management tool providing methods and procedures to be applied in order to achieve environmental compliance.
Appendix Q – Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) (PDF 13.0 MB)
The purpose of this Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) is to provide a set of overarching erosion and sediment control principals, concept layout plans and preliminary calculations as a guide for the Contractors. This ESCP has been prepared by a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) in accordance with Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control (BPESC) guidelines for Australia (International Erosion Control Association (IECA)). The ESCP provides detailed information for the Construction Contractor to be able to develop their own site-specific erosion and sediment control plan (ESCP) in accordance with contract documentation for construction.
Appendix R – Rehabilitation Management Plan (PDF 2.2 MB)
The Rehabilitation Management Plan (RMP) outlines the requirements for land rehabilitation in areas disturbed by the Project’s construction. The RMP identifies disturbance areas requiring rehabilitation, details rehabilitation methods, revegetation species and maintenance requirements and, monitoring and reporting requirements.
Appendix S – Technical Specification for Rehabilitation Works (PDF 10.0 MB)
This specification has been prepared to provide a scope of works for the rehabilitation of all disturbance areas within the construction corridor for the Haughton Pipeline Stage 2 (HPS2) Project, comprising the following:
– Areas of potential habitat for the southern black-throated finch, bare-rumped sheathtail bat and koala, listed as Matters of National Environment Significance (MNES) pursuant to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
– All other areas within the construction corridor including non-remnant vegetation watercourses, temporary construction access roads and stockpile yards.
Appendix T – Species Management Plan (PDF 8.6 MB)
The purpose of this report is to assess the potential threat to animal breeding places from the Project and to provide a framework for avoidance and mitigation of impacts to breeding places through the construction and immediate post-construction phase of the Project. This High Risk Species Management Plan (SMP) has been prepared to address the requirements in the Nature Conservation (Animals) Regulation 2020 to provide a High Risk SMP and Impact Management Plan (IMP) for the Project based on the potential impact on breeding places for species listed under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NC Act). This document also supports the preparation of a Low Risk SMP for impacts to species listed as least concern under the NC Act.
Appendix U – SARA Decision Notice – Haughton Pipeline Stage 2 2201-26844 SDA (PDF 3.1 MB)
Notification from SARA advising of application decision and conditions associated with approved works.
Appendix V – Curriculum Vitae – PD Authors and Reviewers (PDF 972.2 KB)
Curriculum Vitae of associated authors and reviewers of published documentation.
Appendix W – DCCEEW Request for Further Information (dated 10 March 2022, EPBC ref: 2021/9133) (PDF 527.2 KB)
The purpose of the report is to:
– Identify Commonwealth, State and local government legislation and policies relevant to the proposed works and project area/site, including planning and environmental requirements that need to be considered during the design, tender, construction, commissioning and operational phases of the project.
– Describe the approvals framework, process and recommended approvals pathway in obtaining the necessary project approvals and permits.
– Identify approval timeframes, fees and site-specific technical investigations, studies and reports that will need to be progressed and included as supporting information in the development application process.
Appendix X – Regulatory Approvals Plan (PDF 13.7 MB)
Regulatory approvals plan outlining the requirements for pre-construction approvals associated with the project.
Appendix Y – Proponents Construction Program (PDF 268.5 KB)
Construction Program outlining timeline of proposed works.
Offset Area Management Plan
Offset Area Management Plan (OAMP) (PDF 30.1 MB)
The purpose of this report is to provide an Offset Area Management Plan (OAMP) outlining the approach and methodology to deliver an environmental offset to compensate for predicted significant residual impacts of the proposed HPS2 project on the following Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES):
– Southern black-throated finch (southern) (Poephila cincta cincta) – Endangered
– Bare-rumped sheathtail bat (Saccolaimus saccolaimus nudicluniatus) – Vulnerable
– Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) – Endangered
The proposed offset has been developed in accordance with the overarching principles and aims of the EPBC Act and EPBC Act Environmental Offsets Policy 2012.
EPBC 2021/9133 Offset Area Bushfire Management Plan (PDF 4.7 MB)
This Offset Area Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) documents and supports the long-term and adaptive approach to burning within the Haughton Pipeline Stage 2 Offset Area (Offset Area) as per Management Action 5 of the OAMP.
EPBC 2021/9133 Offset Area Pest Animal Management Plan (PDF 8.0 MB)
The purpose of this Pest Animal Management Plan (PAMP) is to describe the management action for control of feral animals at Haughton Pipeline Stage Two Offset Area (Offset Area), as required, as part of the implementation of the approved Offset Area Management Plan (OAMP), as well as a key management measure to meeting the ecological outcomes and completion criteria under the OAMP.
EPBC 2021/9133 Offset Area Revegetation and Rehabilitation Management Plan (PDF 5.1 MB)
The purpose of this Revegetation and Rehabilitation Management Plan (Plan) is to inform the required revegetation and regeneration actions under management action 2 for the Haughton Pipeline Stage 2 Offset Area (Offset Area) Offset Area Management Plan (OAMP).
EPBC 2021/9133 Offset Area Weed Management Plan (PDF 7.7 MB)
The purpose of this Weed Management Plan (WMP) is to meet the weed management action for the Haughton Pipeline Stage 2 Offset Area (Offset Area), as part of the implementation of the approved Offset Area Management Plan (OAMP).
Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct
Preliminary Documentation
Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct Enabling Infrastructure EPBC 2022/09383 (PDF 14.5 MB)
This main report presents the Preliminary Documentation (PD) in response to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) Request for Further Information (20 January 2023, EPBC ref: 2022/09383) for an assessment under Part 9 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) for the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct (LEIP) Enabling Infrastructure near Woodstock, Qld (the Project).
Appendix A – State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) Meeting Minutes (PDF 723.5 KB)
SARA Pre-lodgement advice for the LEIP Project dated 27 April 2022, including meeting minutes of the pre-lodgement meeting of 8 April 2022.
Appendix B – DCCEEW Referral Decision and Request for Information (RFI) (PDF 640.4 KB)
DCCEEW referral decision dated 22 December under sections 75 & 87 of the EPBC Act that the LEIP Project is determined as a controlled action, and DCCEEW subsequent Request for Information of 20 January 2023.
Appendix C – Waterway and Wetland Cross Design Plans – Part 1 (PDF 33.6 MB)
Detailed design drawings for the LEIP raw water trunk main, including all waterway and wetland crossings.
Appendix C – Waterway and Wetland Cross Design Plans – Part 2 (PDF 22.9 MB)
Detailed design drawings for the LEIP raw water trunk main, including all waterway and wetland crossings.
Appendix D – Evolve Ecology Report 1 (PDF 19.9 MB)
Ecological assessment report by Evolve Environmental Solutions dated 29 April 2022 presenting the findings of ecological surveys conducted for the LEIP Project from 28 March 2022 to 1 April 2022.
Appendix E – Evolve Ecology Report 2 (PDF 12.6 MB)
Ecological assessment report by Evolve Environmental Solutions dated 6 October 2022 presenting the findings of ecological surveys conducted for the LEIP Project from 22 May 2022 to 27 May 2022.
Appendix F – Evolve Ecology Report 3 (PDF 19.0 MB)
Ecological assessment report by Evolve Environmental Solutions dated 7 November 2022 presenting the findings of ecological surveys conducted for the LEIP Project (primarily proposed road alignments within the LEIP) from 12 September 2022 to 14 October 2022.
Appendix G – Evolve Ecology Report 4 (PDF 23.6 MB)
Habitat Quality Assessment Report (HQA) by Evolve Environmental Solutions dated 27 April 2023 presenting an assessment of the potential species-specific impact from the LEIP Project, with additional ecological surveys conducted from 6 February 2023 to 10 February 2023.
Appendix H – Survey Effort Locations (PDF 15.3 MB)
Plans showing the on-site survey efforts, locations and assessments for Evolve Ecology Reports 1 to 4.
Appendix I – Waterway Assessments (PDF 8.0 MB)
CDM Smith assessment of waterways and wetlands within the LEIP Project area.
Appendix J – PMST Report and WildNet Species List (PDF 302.6 KB)
DCCEEW Protected Matters Search Tool report giving guidance of matters of national environmental significance within the LEIP Project area and Queensland Government WildNet Species List report giving guidance on rare and threatened species within the LEIP Project area.
Appendix K – Habitat mapping (PDF 13.2 MB)
Habitat mapping by Evolve Environmental Solutions for ten (10) conservation significant species being matters of national environmental significance (MNES) that were assessed as known or likely to occur within the LEIP Project area.
Appendix L – Species Conservation Advice (PDF 5.3 MB)
DCCEEW conservation advices for species listed as threatened under the EPBC Act that were assessed as known or likely to occur within the LEIP Project area.
Appendix M – Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) (PDF 2.4 MB)
Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) by CDM Smith dated 1 September 2023 that defines the overarching environmental management processes and measures to be implemented during construction of the LEIP Project.
Appendix N – Weed and Pest Management Plan (PDF 2.4 MB)
Weed and Pest Management Plan (WPMP) by CDM Smith dated 1 September 2023 that defines the measures to be implemented during construction and operation of the LEIP Project to minimise the potential introduction of weed and pest species.
Appendix O – Bushfire Management Plan (PDF 5.3 MB)
Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) by Blackash Bushfire Consulting dated 30 June 2023 that defines mitigation measures to manage bushfire risk for the LEIP Project.
Appendix P – Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) Management Plan (PDF 2.7 MB)
Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) Management Plan by CDM Smith dated 1 September 2023 that demonstrates how impacts on listed threatened species and communities and their habitat will be avoided, mitigated and managed during construction of the LEIP Project.
Appendix Q – Offset Management Plan (OMP) (PDF 6.0 MB)
Offset Management Plan (OMP) by Evolve Environmental Solutions dated 6 September 2023 defines the proposed site, measures and processes to provide an environmental offset to achieve a conservation gain for MNES that have been assessed as having a significant residual impact from the LEIP Project.
Ross River Dam to Douglas Water Treatment Plant Pipeline Renewal
Annual Compliance Report
Annual Compliance Report 2024 (PDF 359.4 KB)
This compliance report has been prepared to satisfy the requirements of Condition 13 of EPBC Approval 2021/9002.
Annual Compliance Report 2023 (PDF 7.9 MB)
This compliance report has been prepared to satisfy the requirements of Condition 13 of EPBC Approval 2021/9002.
Final Preliminary Documentation
Final Preliminary Documentation (PDF 34.1 MB)
This final documentation was available at several locations from 21 March 2022 to 4 April 2022. A decision on whether the proposed action can be approved would generally be expected within forty (40) business days of this final submission being lodged.
Public Comment Process
Preliminary Documentation Submission (PDF 258.1 KB)
The Ross River Dam to Douglas Water Treatment Plant Pipeline Renewal was determined to be a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 with assessment by preliminary documentation. The controlling provisions for the proposed action are Listed threatened species and communities (sections 18 and 18A) and Commonwealth land (sections 26 and 27A).
The public were invited to review and provide comment on Council’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation documentation for this project from 7 - 18 February 2022. Submissions are now closed.
One submission was received on the Project from the North Queensland Conservation Council (NQCC).
The key items from the submission included the rehabilitation of impacted habitat for the Black-throated Finch and offsetting of impacts to Black-throated Finch. Council have responded to the submission, providing further information on justification and timing of rehabilitation efforts, and the expectations of the outcomes of the financial offset process.
Appendix A - Additional Information Required - Cross Reference Table (PDF 88.2 KB)
A cross reference table with additional information requested by DAWE.
Appendix B - Detailed Design - Part 1 (PDF 33.4 MB)
A detailed design of the Ross River Dam to Douglas Water Treatment Plant (Part 1).
Appendix B - Detailed Design - Part 2 (PDF 30.7 MB)
A detailed design of the Ross River Dam to Douglas Water Treatment Plant (Part 2).
Appendix B - Detailed Design - Part 3 (PDF 16.2 MB)
A detailed design of the Ross River Dam to Douglas Water Treatment Plant (Part 3).
Appendix C - Ecology Technical Report (PDF 10.3 MB)
This ecological assessment identifies the ecological values within the study area,
assesses the potential impact of the Project on these values and recommends mitigation measures to reduce the level of impact.
Appendix D - Offset Calculator Results (PDF 456.0 KB)
This document contains the results from the Queensland Government's Financial Settlement Offsets Calculator for the Project.
Appendix E - Council Procurement Policy (PDF 282.4 KB)
This policy sets out Townsville City Council’s mandatory requirements for selection and engagement of suppliers for goods and services.