Nelly Bay Marina Dredging Maintenance

Investment$2.85 Million

4.4.1 – Provision of well-maintained fit for purpose recreational and open spaces.

4.4.4 – Level of amenity (quality and quantity) to match a growing population.

Strategic Purpose

Enhance the use of the harbour by tourism operators and private owners and ensure all canal berths are available for use.

Maintain reasonable navigable depths for both commercial and recreational boating activities in the Nelly Bay Marina, in line with the Council’s maintenance responsibilities.

StatusPreliminary works

Project Background

Townsville City Council is responsible for maintenance of the canal sections in Nelly Bay Harbour. Sidecasting activities in the Nelly Bay Marina in 2019 and 2023 temporarily addressed sediment accumulation affecting vessels using the marina berths. However, recent hydrographic surveys show maintenance dredging is required to restore the canal sections to their original design depths.

Project Overview

Carrying out this maintenance will include:

  • Preparing and organising Council’s Kelly Street site for the management of dredged material
  • Dredging Nelly Bay Marina to remove around 10,000m3 of material from the canal sections
  • Moving the dredged material from Nelly Bay Marina to the Kelly Street site and managing the material for the purpose of recycling
  • Using the recycled dredging material across the island for various purposes.