Supercars Event Parking
Supercars NTI Townsville 500 comes to Townsville each year, bringing great economic benefits to our city centre and local businesses. Due to its popularity, some event traffic and parking restrictions apply to help keep Townsville City easily accessible to the people who live and work in the city.
Supercars Event Parking Area
Event parking area notes:
- You can only park within the Supercars Event Parking Area if you are approved for and are displaying a relevant permit.
- Fines are issued to owners of vehicles that are parked for longer than the permitted time without a registered permit displayed.
This restriction applies to on-street parking only, including driveways from the kerb to your property boundary. It does not apply to vehicles parked within your property.
All other parking restrictions – such as 'no standing' zones, taxi zones, bus zones, and disability parking permit zones – continue to apply.
- Download a copy of the Supercars Event Regulated Parking Area Map (JPG, 590.9 KB).
Do you live in the Supercars Event Parking Area?
More Information
More information around stadium parking in our Local Laws:
- Local Law - V8 Supercars Event Parking Area 2011 (PDF, 566.8 KB)
For more information regarding traffic and parking at the Supercars event, visit the Supercars website.