Townsville's Economic Statistics

The City of Townsville's economic profile presents economic information that enables you to describe the area's role within the broader economy, explore options for economic development and promote the area's strengths.

GRPPopulationLocal Jobs

$15.11 billion

NIEIR 2023


ABS ERP 2023


NIEIR 2023

Largest IndustryLocal BusinessesEmployed Residents

Health Care & Social Assistance

NIEIR 2023


ABS 2023


NIEIR 2023

Full Townsville Economic Profile available at Economic profile | Townsville |

The Queensland Statistician’s Office provides regional profiling reports on topics including; Resident, Workforce, and overall snapshot of Local Government Areas.

Townsville Dashboards is a digital platform to access high quality, current data and insights about Townsville, informing and enabling the Townsville community and those with an interest in investing in the region.