Recycle Mate sorting guide, app launches for Townsville users

Date published: 23 May 2024

Trash the excuse of not knowing how to recycle properly in Townsville by using the new Recycle Mate app.

Recycle Mate allows residents and visitors to use the local sorting guide to check what can go into Townsville recycling bins and where items can be dropped off for free to local waste transfer stations, product stewardship schemes and charities right across Townsville.

The Recycle Mate sorting guide is available via Council’s website or by downloading the Recycle Mate app straight to your phone. Users can either take a photo of their item or type in a description of the item they want to dispose of and Recycle Mate will display which bin it should go into and provide alternative drop-off spots where applicable.

Mayor Troy Thompson said the app was an accessible way to reduce contamination in recycling bins across the city.

“Contamination in yellow-lidded kerbside wheelie bins can be as high as 35 per cent, but the state expectation is 15 per cent. That’s why Council is introducing Recycle Mate as an easy way to check where your waste and recyclables can go,” Cr Thompson said.

“When you use the Recycle Mate sorting guide, you can learn which bin household items go into and where you can drop them off for free to be recycled or reused. This works by simply typing in the item you want to recycle – it couldn’t be easier.

“If you don’t want to download the app, you can always access the Recycle Mate sorting guide from the What Goes in Your Bins page on Council’s website.

“By working together Townsville will be able to help achieve Council’s goal of diverting 60 per cent of material from landfill by 2026 as the city moves towards zero waste.”

For more information or to use the app, visit What Goes in Your Bins.