Memorial offers solace ahead of Mother’s Day

Date published: 9 May 2024

Join Townsville City Council at Belgian Gardens Cemetery for a special memorial event for those who have lost mothers, mother figures, or children ahead of Mother’s Day.

The Mother’s Day Memorial on Saturday 11 May 2024 will offer a moment to honour and remember loved ones who have passed away.

Councillor Ann-Maree Greaney said the annual event was cherished by the Townsville community as they connected over grief and reflection.

“It’s important to create space for our community members who are experiencing grief, as loss is a natural and normal part of any society,” Cr Greaney said.

“The Mother’s Day Memorial is a chance for those who have lost a mother, a mother figure, another significant woman in their life or a child to come together and remember those they’ve lost.

“We are inviting attendees to listen to words of reflection with celebrant Amanda Medill, take in a moving performance by Melaleuca Strings and enjoy craft therapy with morning tea provided by Rotary Saints after the ceremony.

“Attendees will also receive a grave care pack and a small native plant.”

The Mother’s Day Memorial will run from 8:30am to 9:50am on Saturday 11 May 2024.