Council hands over land to North Rail Yards development

Date published: 16 May 2024

Redevelopment plans for the historical North Rail Yards site have reached a key milestone, with Council moving to transfer land to the company leading the project, North Rail Yard Developments Ltd.

Mayor Troy Thompson said transferring the land titles was required to allow the proposed development to occur, while not affecting Council’s ownership of the site.

“This is an important step to making this project a reality,” he said.

Earlier this month, North Rail Yard Developments Ltd confirmed the appointment of three new Company directors and had selected two preferred proponents to present their vision to transform the site into a vibrant residential and mixed-use community hub.

Mayor Thompson said Council was committed to ensuring any development included the right mix of commercial, residential and public spaces to transform the heritage site and help meet housing needs in Townsville.

“The North Rail Yards is part of Council’s objective to grow Townsville through the sustainable and balanced reactivation of this significant historic site within the Waterfront Priority Development Area (PDA),” he said.

For more information, visit Council's North Rail Yards project page.