Info session paints a clear picture of RADF

Date published: 24 January 2023

Learn about the Regional Arts Development Fund grants available for artists at the free RADF Round Two Information Session from 9.30am this Saturday at the Perc Tucker Regional Gallery.

RADF provides funding for projects that promote and develop arts, culture and heritage in Townsville and is delivered as a partnership between the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland and Townsville City Council.

The session will cover how local artists, organisations or creative businesses can apply for a RADF grant to help bring their ideas to life.

Community and Cultural Development Committee chairperson Ann-Maree Greaney said she would be joined by Townsville City Galleries director Jane Scott and The Drill Hall director Sue Tilley at the session.

“If you’re interested in seeing how you can apply for a grant as part of RADF Round Two this year, come along to our information session to learn more about the process,” Cr Greaney said.

“Being on the RADF board for a number of years now, I’ve seen the full range of applications. Jane, Sue and I are able to tell you what makes an application stand out, the type of projects the board is looking for, and what the next steps are if you’re interested.

“Council is committed to growing Townsville into a city that embraces the arts and events and we’re proud to work with the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland to make RADF available in Townsville.”