Lansdown master plan endorsed

Date published: 25 March 2022

The development of the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct has achieved another key milestone with Townsville City Council formally endorsing the infrastructure masterplan for the jobs-generating estate.

Mayor Jenny Hill said the masterplan would guide the progressive and sustainable development of the precinct in the years ahead.

“The Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct is set to take Townsville to a greater tomorrow from a jobs, economic, and environmental perspective,” Cr Hill said.

“It will be Northern Australia’s foremost precinct for advanced manufacturing, processing, technology and emerging industries.

“This masterplan sets an infrastructure roadmap for the development of the advanced manufacturing precinct with the potential to support more than 5,000 construction jobs, around 1,600 initial jobs and more than 9,100 indirect jobs.”

Under the masterplan, the precinct will be developed in stages.

Enabling infrastructure works will start this year and will include road access to the northern part of the precinct and the installation of a raw water pipeline.

“Council will take a long-term, sequential and collaborative approach to developing the precinct,” Cr Hill said.

“Developing Lansdown into an advanced manufacturing precinct will provide long-term economic benefits and jobs for the city.

“We are continuing to work with the Australian and Queensland Governments to support the enabling works with $16 million in funding secured to date and another $12 million in the pipeline. Council will continue to pursue further funding for the development of the precinct and its supporting infrastructure.

“Any shortfall in funding for enabling works will form part of agreements between the project proponents and Council.

“Funding for operational infrastructure will be the responsibility of project proponents.”

Seven proponents have conditionally been allocated land in the precinct following tender processes conducted by Council. They are:

  • Queensland Pacific Metals
  • Edify Energy
  • Imperium3 Townsville
  • RTE Energy Pty Ltd
  • Origin Energy Future Fuels Pty Ltd
  • Solquartz Pty Ltd and
  • North Queensland Gas Pipeline.

“Council will continue to work with all proponents to bring their proposed developments to fruition and unlock the jobs and economic stimulus they will provide to our city and region,” Cr Hill said.