Get your cameras rolling for new video competition The Buzz

Date published: 11 March 2022

This year’s Eco Fiesta is going to be a hive for bee-based entertainment with the addition of a brand new video competition.

The Buzz – Eco Fiesta Video Competition is being presented by Townsville City Council and the Townsville Beekeepers Association, with $9000 worth of prizes to be won.

Community and Cultural Development Committee chairperson Ann-Maree Greaney said the new competition was open to all levels of filmmakers.

“Whether you’re a full-time filmmaker or a preppy with a love for pollinators, we want to see your three-minute short video entered into The Buzz,” Cr Greaney said.

“Each video will have to centre on the impact that healthy soil and pollinators like bees, bats, possums and insects have on our ecosystem. It’s important that healthy soil and pollinators are the focal point of your video, so keep that in mind when you start creating your masterpiece.

“This is an exciting new way to engage with the community and get fresh perspectives on how pollinators contribute to our lives.”

Cr Greaney said there were serious prizes up for grabs for the three top-rated videos.

“The first place winner will receive a $5000 cash prize, followed by $3000 for our second place winner and $1000 for the third place winner. With prizes like this, it’s definitely worth getting involved,” she said.

“The top entries will be showcased at Eco Fiesta in June and the winners will be announced at the screening.”

Submissions for The Buzz – Eco Fiesta Video Competition are open until 20 May 2022.

For more information, head to Eco Fiesta 2022.