Blue-green algal bloom detected in Idalia lake

Date published: 4 March 2022

Townsville City Council’s regular ecological water quality testing program has detected a blue-green algal bloom in the large saltwater Lake adjacent to D’Arcy Drive in Idalia, behind the Fairfield Central Shopping Centre.

Algal blooms are a common occurrence in tropical waterways.

The bloom is likely the result of nutrients such as lawn fertiliser, grass clippings and soil being flushed into the lakes.

These nutrients combined with the recent hot still days create ideal conditions for algae in the water to bloom.

Blue-green algae can cause skin irritations and make pets sick if they drink the water.

Council has erected signage around the lake advising the public to avoid direct contact with the water.

Pets should be kept away from the water and any fish caught should not be consumed.

Very large algal blooms can also lead to a deterioration in water quality which, in some cases, can cause fish kills.

Council will continue water quality testing and monitoring of the situation.