Council invests in green economy and sustainability

Date published: 21 June 2022

Council is investing more than $10 million through its 2022/23 budget into innovative sustainability methods to boost Townsville’s green economy.

Mayor Jenny Hill said the $10.2 million investment would go a long way towards future-proofing the city’s sustainability footprint.

“When we put methods in place to increase environmental sustainability and harness the green economy, we are ensuring Townsville is well placed for transitions towards a more environmentally sound future,” Cr Hill said.

“In the 2022/23 budget, we are homing in on key activities including expanding the food organics and garden organics trial to reduce waste going to landfill, moving to power Council’s assets with renewable energy, and activating Townsville as a sustainable destination.

“Townsville was last year named as one of Good Travel Guide’s 2021 Global Top 100 Sustainable Destinations, alongside cities like Kyoto and Alberta, for the second year in a row. This reputation as a leading sustainable destination is one we want to continue building into the future.

“In this financial year’s budget, we have allocated $1.3 million to servicing coast and catchments, $4 million to community environmental restoration, $2.8 million to environmental operations and $2 million to sustainability and solar cities.”

Community Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability Committee chairperson Maurie Soars said Council had recently established a new Dry Tropics Nursery to grow native plants for use in public spaces.

“Townsville is a dry tropics environment and is one of the most arid regions in Australia, which is why conserving water and innovating new sustainability methods is essential to future-proofing our city,” Cr Soars said.

“In preparing the city for long-term sustainability success, we are replacing thirsty non-native plants across Council’s gardens, parks and open spaces with native water smart plants.

“Once the new Dry Tropics Nursery is fully operational, we expect it to be able to supply up to 20,000 native plants each year for Council to use across the city, helping to conserve water and attract native pollinators to these areas.

“Council will continue to investigate and innovate ways to make Townsville more sustainable as we work towards a greener future.”

Environment and Sustainability Services budget 2022/23

  • Coast and Catchments (Creek to Coral) – $1,293,000
  • Community Environmental Restoration – $4,041,000
  • Environmental Operational – $2,857,000
  • Sustainability and Solar Cities – $2,072,000

For more information on the 2022/23 Budget and Operational Plan, visit Budget 2022/23.