Innovative tracking project receives commendation

Date published: 19 November 2021

A Queensland-first system which tracks progress made towards achieving the objectives of the Townsville City Plan has been recognised at the Planning Institute of Australia’s Awards for Planning Excellence in Queensland.

The Townsville City Plan Performance Indictors project received a commendation in the Improving Planning Processes category.

Deputy Mayor and Planning and Development Committee chairperson Mark Molachino said the commendation was recognition of the Council’s commitment to innovation.

“Finding new and innovative way to deliver its services to the community is a key priority for Council and the Townsville City Plan Performance Indictors project is a perfect demonstration of this,” Cr Molachino said.

“The indicators are a set of measures that monitor the progress Council has made towards achieving different parts of the 25-year vision that we have for our city.

“Council has made significant progress in bringing the vision of the Townsville City Plan to life since it was adopted almost seven years ago and now there is a new way for us to see just how successful these measures are.”

Cr Molachino said the City Plan had four policy themes: shaping Townsville; a strong and connected community; an environmentally sustainable future and sustaining economic growth.

“The 12 indicators are organised around these four themes. They will help Council make targeted decisions by gauging whether the policy directions identified in the Townsville City Plan are being achieved and refining the City Plan directions,” he said.

“They will also help in identifying new projects, lodging grant applications, improving governance by mobilising teams across Council towards common goals and providing a tool for community and industry engagement.”

Cr Molachino said the performance indicators were a model that other councils across the state could implement to ensure they were meeting the strategic intent of their planning schemes.

The Townsville City Plan Performance Indicators project focuses on:

  • Housing growth and land supply
  • Housing location and type
  • Non-residential gross floor area in key activity centres
  • Modes of transport
  • Footpath provision
  • Provision of regional and district open space
  • Street trees planted as part of major projects
  • Biodiversity in waterways and wetlands
  • Quality of waterways and wetlands
  • Changes in employment by key industry
  • Value of industry sectors
  • Type and value of major economic development projects

Visit our City Plan web page for more information about the planning scheme.

The Townsville City Plan Performance Indictors project was developed thanks to a Queensland Government grant.