TheatreiNQ to celebrate 10th anniversary with Council grant

Date published: 24 March 2021

TheatreiNQ is now able to stage the final instalments of its 10th anniversary production and extend its theatre training thanks to a grant from Townsville City Council.

The $37,000 grant was awarded at Council today to contribute towards the production of Roses Reborn and the delivery of the Rise Up initiative.

Community and Cultural Development Committee chairperson Ann-Maree Greaney said TheatreiNQ consistently provided Townsville actors and stage production workers with opportunities to upskill locally.

“It’s essential that we’re able to foster local talent in our city and to provide job opportunities to people working in the creative industries. TheatreiNQ is a theatre company that has shown its commitment to bringing a new generation of actors and stage production workers up through the ranks in Townsville and onto professional work here and across the country,” Cr Greaney said.

“Council is proud to be able to support TheatreiNQ’s Rise Up training with a $13,500 grant which will go towards upskilling their current members, facilitating ongoing partnerships, and will increase visibility of the opportunities TheatreiNQ provides to the community.”

Cr Greaney said the remaining $23,500 of the grant would go towards to the production of Roses Reborn.

“TheatreiNQ planned to celebrate its 10th anniversary by performing the War of the Roses trilogy, but after performing a sold-out first instalment the effects of covid meant they had to delay the second and third instalments,” she said.

“Now that things have settled, TheatreiNQ will complete the trilogy with Roses Reborn across two productions, one of which will take place during NAFA this year.

“It will be great to see these productions later in the year to help celebrate 10 years of TheatreiNQ in Townsville.”