Charles Street beautification underway now

Date published: 22 March 2021

Charles Street is being spruced up with a beautification project that includes new irrigation being installed, tree plantings and a clean-up of the road medians.

The $237,000 project has been funded by the Queensland Government’s Works for Queensland program and includes the Anne Street, Fulham East, and Fulham West intersections.

Infrastructure Committee chairperson Kurt Rehbein said this streetscape project would improve the appearance of Charles Street as one of the city’s main thoroughfares.

“Charles Street is a very busy street with several schools and lots of residences, shops and businesses in the surrounding areas and this project will significantly improve the appearance of these intersections,” Cr Rehbein said.

“Council staff will be cleaning up the medians at all three intersections as well as installing new irrigation that will help keep the grass and plants green year round.

“Our residents deserve to have well maintained infrastructure that enhances the atmosphere of their suburbs and this project will help do that along Charles Street.

“I’d like to thank the State Government for providing this funding that will benefit the residents and businesses that operate near and along Charles Street.”

Member for Thuringowa Aaron Harper said the Works 4 Queensland program has injected almost $84 million into the Townsville economy, with another $19.5 million on the way.

“Townsville City Council has received more than $13.5 million through the COVID Works for Queensland, and a further $70 million through the earlier Works 4 Queensland funding rounds,” Mr Harper said.

“This funding has provided a major boost to our city, supporting nearly 1,700 jobs and helping to drive our region’s economic recovery.

“We’ve seen how vital the role the Works for Queensland program has played in regional cities is, and I’m thrilled that Townsville will receive a further $19.5 million through the latest round of funding.”

Cr Rehbein said the works at the Charles and Anne Street intersection would happen over four consecutive Saturdays to minimise disruption during the week.

“The work to the Anne Street intersection will begin on Saturday and we will be closing the road over four Saturday’s and have detours in place, but the road will be open as normal during the rest of the week,” he said.

“This is to minimise the disruption to school and business traffic during the week.

“For the Fulham Road intersections, the work started last week and we’re hoping to have it complete by the end of this week.

“I’d like to thank residents for their patience while we complete this work and urge them to drive to the road and signed traffic conditions.”