$136.2m investment in roads and footpaths

Date published: 23 June 2021

Townsville City Council’s 2021/22 Budget includes an investment of $136.2 million in roads and footpaths.

Mayor Jenny Hill said Council owned and maintained more than 1,900km of roads and around 540km of footpaths across the city, which required considerable ratepayer investment.

“Townsville is a growing city, with our population expected to pass 200,000 people in the next 12 months,” Cr Hill said.

“Council is committed to ensuring our road and footpath networks allow residents to get where they need to go anywhere in the city safely and efficiently.

“The funding provided in the 2021/22 Budget will allow Council to construct new roads and pathways where needed and refurbish, expand and maintain existing assets.”

Infrastructure Services Committee chairperson Kurt Rehbein said road and footpath projects were planned across the city and Magnetic Island.

“The Budget includes $7.7 million for two projects along Horseshoe Bay Road – the rehabilitation of the road surface and the upgrading of guardrails and warning signs – as well as $5 million to continue disaster recovery works on Apjohn Street,” Cr Rehbein said.

“The intersection of Fulham Road and Hugh and Gulliver Streets in Pimlico will be upgraded at a cost of $4.8 million.

“Council has also earmarked $1.4 million to reconstruct Glenrock Drive in Rasmussen as well as $500,000 to upgrade the intersection of Allambie Lane and South Beck Drive in Rasmussen.”

Cr Rehbein said footpath projects being funded in the Budget included the Nelly Bay pedestrian link and new, wider paths in First Street in South Townsville.

“A new pedestrian link will be constructed in Nelly Bay at a cost of $760,000 while the footpath along First Street will be widened and extended at a cost of $550,000,” he said.

“A new footpath will be built along Darling Road in Jensen at a cost of $400,000 while the pathway along Gilbert Crescent on Castle Hill will be upgraded at a cost of $350,000.”