Townsville records strong growth in residential, commercial construction

Date published: 29 December 2021

Townsville’s residential construction industry has enjoyed a bumper year, with Council certifying 903 new homes between January and November 2021, a sizeable increase on the 713 certifications issued for the 12 months of 2020.

Acting Mayor Ann-Maree Greaney said Council was on track to record a close to 30 per cent increase in new home certifications in 2021.

Statistics for the full 12 months of 2021 will be available by the end of January.

“The residential housing market in Townsville has bounced back strongly thanks to stimulus measures offered by all three levels of government, low interest rates and a strong desire by people to put down roots in our beautiful city,” Cr Greaney said.

“The 903 dwellings approved in the eleven months to November represents a $269 million investment into our local economy, which is a tremendous boost, particularly considering the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Not only is that new homes for local families, but its jobs for our local chippies, plumbers, sparkies and all tradies.

“Council has also approved 642 residential lots to November, which is trending higher than 2019 and 2020, as the residential market continues to grow”.

Cr Greaney said that during the same period, Council certified 265 new commercial buildings, more than a 5 per cent increase on the number certified in 2020.

“These 265 new buildings represent a combined value of $175 million, with most earmarked for use as retail, warehousing, education and medical facilities,” she said.

The number of development applications received by Council also jumped in 2021 compared to 2020.

Council received 385 development applications between January and November this year, compared to 354 received for the 12 months of 2020.

“This strong increase in applications is a real vote of confidence in our city and its future,” Cr Greaney said.

“The number of development applications lodged with Council provides an indication of the enthusiasm to commit to new or an expansion of business in Townsville.

The number of residential plumbing and drainage applications is on track to increase by close to 30 per cent in 2021 compared to 2020, with 1091 applications received between January and November, compared to the 854 received in 2020.

Commercial plumbing and drainage applications have also shown strong growth, from 277 received in 2020 to 342 received in the eleven months of 2021.

Two hundred and eighty prelodgement meetings were conducted by Council officers between January and November, up from 253 in 2020.

Prelodgement meetings are available at no cost to project proponents and provide the opportunity to gain planning, engineering and land use advice prior to committing to a project. The advice provides the applicant guidance on council requirements and the process of lodging a planning application.

“Council is committed to growing Townsville into a globally connected community driven by lifestyle and nature and a big part of that is helping foster job growth and encouraging private and public sector investment in our city,” Cr Greaney said.

Stats summary:


2021 – Jan to Nov

2020 – 12 months

Residential lots released 642 603
Development applications lodged 385 354
New residential dwelling building certification lodgements 903 713
New commercial building certification lodgements 265 252
Residential plumbing and drainage applications lodged 1091 854
Commercial plumbing and drainage applications lodged (sewered and unsewered and including multiple dwellings) 342 277
Prelodgement meetings 280 253