More parking adjacent to walking trail on its way

Date published: 23 December 2021

In response to feedback from the community, Townsville City Council will soon start working to create more car parking adjacent to the start of the popular Mount Louisa walking trail.

Council Infrastructure Services Committee chairperson Kurt Rehbein said 40 additional carparks would be created at a cost of $200,000, with funding for the project provided by the Queensland Government.

“Since the first stage of the Mount Louisa walking trail opened in October last year, it has been very popular with thousands of locals and visitors taking the opportunity to walk the track and get a great workout while enjoying stunning views across the city and Cleveland Bay. The trail’s popularity has exceeded Council’s expectations,” Cr Rehbein said.

“A consequence of the overwhelming success of the trail was that it led to issues with carparking in the streets adjacent to the start. Some car parking was available but this was often snapped up quickly, particularly at peak periods of use, with some people parked illegally.

“Council has been working to identify a solution and, thanks to funding being provided by the Queensland Government, we’re able to start work on a project to increase the availability of car parking.”

Work to create the additional carparks will begin in January and is expected to take 4 weeks, weather and conditions pending.

Member for Townsville Scott Stewart said the additional parking would ensure the walking trail remained well-used by the community.

“The Palaszczuk Government is proud to partner with Council to deliver these additional car parking spaces,” Mr Stewart said.

“This was an election commitment from the government that I’m proud to be able to deliver.

“Although it may seem small, I know projects like this are important for the community.

“We are so lucky in Townsville to have a beautiful natural environment to enjoy and Townsville City Council has done a magnificent job on delivering not only the Mount Louisa Trail but those on Castle Hill which allow locals and tourists to enjoy that environment while at the same time getting a great physical work-out.”