Make sure to cool down safely this summer

Date published: 24 December 2021

We all know an Aussie summer is best celebrated in air-conditioning or outside with a slip-n-slide or in an in-ground or blow-up pool, but before you get your togs on make sure you dust up on the rules.

Townsville City Council is reminding residents to keep a keen eye on water play and pool safety these summer holidays.

Community Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability Committee chairperson Maurie Soars said it only took a moment for something to go wrong, which was why pool fencing and supervision also applies to inflatable pools.

“We all want to find ways to cool down at Christmas, but it’s important we keep people safe over the holidays.

“Portable pools and spas need to be fenced if they’re deeper than 30cm because it limits the chance of any accidents around water, particularly with young children,” Cr Soars said.

“The same rules apply for fences around inflatable pools, in-ground pools and above-ground pools – they must be compliant with the Queensland Development Code, at least 1.2m from the bottom to the top and the gate, the bottom must be no more than 10cm off the ground and it needs to be self-closing and latching.

“Pool fences and good old-fashioned supervision can save lives. We do not want any tragedies, and with families getting together during the summer holidays, we should all do our part to keep loved ones safe.”

Cr Soars said other backyard water activities should be celebrated with a sense of adventure and caution.

“Everyone loves a slip-n-slide, it is a rite of passage in North Queensland and a heap of fun, but just be careful with the little ones,” he said.

“The same goes for running around with water balloons or water guns – they’re plenty of fun, but use a bit of common sense to try to prevent injuries in your backyard. We don’t want people spending Christmas in an emergency room.”

Before purchasing an inflatable pool online or through a department store, please check the full pool compliance checklist on the Queensland Building and Construction Commission’s website for more information about how to secure your pool.

To learn more about pool fencing requirements in Townsville, head to Swimming Pools and Spas.