Council grants to bring communities together for Christmas

Date published: 1 December 2021

Twenty-five festive events across 22 suburbs will each receive a $200 grant through Townsville City Council’s Bringing Christmas Together initiative.

Council Community and Cultural Development Committee chairperson Ann-Maree Greaney said 193 applications were received from 50 suburbs for the grants, which were designed to bring communities together.

“Council had a great response from the community for its Bringing Christmas Together program and we’re excited for the events that will now be hosted across our city,” Cr Greaney said.

“These days its easy for neighbours to exist for years without getting to know each other, which is a shame.

“Bringing Christmas Together is all about making new connections with your neighbours or renewing connections which may have faded, building community spirit and spreading joy.”

Joanne from Bluewater said she would put her grant towards a community lunch and dinner to be held on December 18.

“The Bluewater Community is very spread out and it can be difficult for us to come together as a community,” Joanne said.

“We have extended an invitation to members of the Bluewater community who are elderly, or alone over the Christmas period and our neighbours to an event on December 18.

“We are hoping that people and families can come, relax and be a part of the extended Bluewater Community.”

Steve from Rasmussen intends to use his grant to support a Christmas sausage sizzle being hosted on December 12.

“We have a total of 15 houses with about 50 residents and all have been invited,” Steve said.

“It is hoped that we all get to know each other and that we develop a friendly neighbourhood, that looks out for the welfare and safety of the community.”

Christina from Annandale said she would host a festive get-together incorporating new and long-time neighbours.

“We are in the process of restoring a garden bed and grassed area in our street through resident working bees,” Christina said.

“Our festive gathering will also be a great way to thank the residents for taking the time to beautify our area while also leading to more frequent get togethers in the future.”

Visit our Bringing Christmas Together web page to view the full list of winners.