Deeragun project supporting local jobs and businesses

Date published: 29 September 2020

Townsville City Council is reconstructing a Deeragun street in a project that will support more than 20 jobs.

Workers are replacing 3,700 square metres of road pavement with a new asphalt surface in Hansen Court.

Infrastructure Services Committee chairperson Mark Molachino said the reconstruction is a major upgrade for the court.

“Council staff reviewed Hansen Court and recommended a full reconstruction to re-establish the 360-metre court,” Cr Molachino said.

“The upgraded Court will also showcase the skills of Townsville City Council construction crews and the local companies being utilised.

“The gravel pavement, spray seals and asphalt supply will all be provided by local suppliers and contractors.”

The project is being funded through the Queensland Government’s Works for Queensland program.

Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said the Townsville City Council had received close to $70 million in funding under Works for Queensland to help deliver 96 projects, which had supported more than 1,300 local jobs.

“Additionally, the Council has been allocated a further $13.54 million through the COVID Works for Queensland program to help support the community during these difficult times,” Mr Hinchliffe said.

Local councillor Margie Ryder said the project was a boost for local residents and businesses.

“Hansen Court was showing signs of age, so I’m sure locals will be pleased when they see the finished product,” Cr Ryder said.

“This will be a great improvement and I’d like to thank the Queensland Government for funding these works through its Works for Queensland program.”