Flinders Lane open to the community this Sunday

Date published: 23 October 2020

Construction on a brand new Melbourne-esque laneway in Townsville’s CBD is complete and open to the community from this Sunday.

Flinders Lane, which has been delivered in partnership with Martin Locke Constructions, links the central business district to the Bus Hub, Queensland Country Bank Stadium and City Lane precinct.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said the laneway would provide the community with more premier eating and entertainment experiences.

“Flinders Lane has been a highly anticipated project and I’m thrilled the construction is complete and we can open it to the community,” Cr Hill said.

“This development will complement the existing City Lane, which is already quite popular among both residents and tourists.

“Now that Flinders Lane is open, it will be the major thoroughfare from the CBD to the Bus Hub, Palmer Street and the Stadium precinct.

“I look forward to seeing what future dining and retailing experiences will be brought to the Lane and how it transforms the CBD.”

Developer Martin Locke said his team was proud to have worked together with Council to deliver the project, and excited to showcase Flinders Lane across opening weekend.

“Flinders Lane is a great example of how the private and public sector can come together and achieve special things,” Mr Locke said.

“Our vision was to seamlessly combine our two properties to create an outcome whereby both the community, and in time my tenant partners would benefit.”

Flinders Lane has ramp access, a stepped seating amphitheatre, performing stage, synthetic grassed area and a balcony boardwalk overlooking the lane, as well as extensive lighting features including the Halo chandelier.

“It’s a small but important project because of its location and ability to connect and activate the CBD,” Mr Locke said.

“Our opening night tonight, will bring together 250 community leaders, business people with our trade and supply partners to celebrate the achievement and really show what Flinders Lane can bring to Townsville as a drawcard, not only for those living and working in the CBD, but for all residents.

Mr Locke said he was being very selective with his preferred tenant partners to ensure only those who share his vision for Flinders Lane are involved.

Announcements are expected to be made prior to Christmas.