Last chance to have your say on RV and camping strategy

Date published: 6 March 2020

Members of the public interested in providing feedback on Townsville City Council’s recreational vehicle (RV) and camping strategy still have until Monday 9 March to have their say.

Feedback can be provided using council’s Have Your Say Townsville Community Engagement platform. To date, more than 1,900 people have visited the platform to learn more and have their say about the strategy.

RV and camping travel is one of Australia’s fastest growing tourism sectors with visitation to Townsville doubling over the past 10 years.

Council’s strategy aims to ensure that Townsville achieves the maximum benefit from this expanding industry.

Council developed the strategy using feedback it received from a variety of organisations that have an interest in improving RV and camping opportunities in the region.

That feedback showed that both Australians and international visitors are using RVs and camping as affordable ways to travel and see the country.

This information gives Council a valuable insight into what can be done to increase visitation to Townsville and keep people here longer while spending money locally and supporting local businesses.

The key objectives of the strategy are to provide affordable camping options to a range of tourists, support local business, grow tourism in the region and connect visitors with a range of experiences to make the stop in Townsville memorable.