Repairs being made to flood damaged rural roads

Date published: 16 June 2020

Repairs to unsealed roads that were severely impacted by the 2019 monsoon event in Townsville are nearing completion.

A Townsville City Council crew and Mendi Group have been undertaking the works as part of a $3 million project funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Infrastructure Services Committee chairman, Deputy Mayor Mark Molachino, said it was great to see the progress being made in repairing the unsealed road network.

“Hugh and Haberecht roads were both graded recently and are now much smoother for locals to travel on,” Cr Molachino said.

“We have a large network of rural roads across Townsville that are used as part of many community members’ daily commutes. Grading and re-gravelling the roads is very important to people who live in or travel to our rural areas.”

Division 10 representative, Councillor Les Walker, said work to the city’s roads under the DRFA funding started last year.

“In October our crews began the extensive job of repairing roads that had been damaged in the 2019 monsoon event,” he said.

“We’ve made significant progress, repairing 67 roads since then, with more works to come.”