Have your say on new local law aimed at keeping Townsville looking great

Date published: 16 June 2020

Members of the public are being asked to have their say on a proposed new local law to better manage dilapidated, unsightly graffitied inner-city buildings and improve the image of our city.

The focus of the proposed local law is giving Council power to require property owners to improve the presentation of run down buildings in the Townsville CBD.

It is also proposed to give Council power to require the removal of graffiti on private property anywhere in Townsville.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said the proposed law would encourage building owners to maintain the presentation of their buildings.

“This law will give Council the power to force the clean-up of unsightly inner-city buildings so we can improve the appearance of our city,” Cr Hill said.

“Owners who fail to maintain inner-city buildings are devaluing other properties in the area and hampering the Council’s efforts to revive the inner-city.

“In all suburbs graffiti left on private property for long periods impacts upon neighbours and property values.

“The appearance of our city is important for making locals proud, attracting more businesses to the area and enticing visitors and new residents to Townsville.”

Cr Hill said residents had a chance to give their feedback on the proposed new local laws.

“We want residents to have their say on the proposed law. Doing this is easy – just head to the Have Your Say Townsville website, register and send in your feedback,” she said.

“Copies of the local law and subordinate law are available on the Have Your Say Townsville website and at our Customer Service Centres for members of the public to inspect.”

Council is inviting public comment about any aspect of the proposed new law and subordinate law. Written submissions will be accepted until 5pm on 3 July.

For more information, head to our Have Your Say Townsville website