Feedback wanted on stadium parking restrictions

Date published: 17 June 2020

Townsville City Council wants to hear your feedback on trial parking restrictions around Queensland Country Bank Stadium.

Earlier this year Council made a temporary local law to establish parking restrictions around the new stadium in order to protect local residents and businesses during events.

Mayor Jenny Hill said the temporary local law was used as a trial to assess whether these restrictions and permits worked for the community and how they might be taken forward in permanent law.

“Despite the trial of these measures being interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Council has collected evidence and feedback to show that the temporary local law helped residents and local businesses in the area,” Cr Hill said.

“Now Council is proposing to make a new permanent local law and subordinate local law to put these parking restrictions in place across the most relevant footprint.”

Cr Hill said the new permanent law would mean the current parking rules would be put in place around the areas most impacted by excessive car parking as events start up again at the stadium.

“The law will include Council providing free parking permits to residents and business operators within the parking area that acknowledges that this is their neighbourhood and exempts them from complying with the parking restrictions,” she said.

“Council is now accepting public comment about any part of the proposed new law and subordinate law including the areas earmarked for the restrictions. You can provide feedback in writing at Council’s Customer Service Centres or on the Have Your Say Townsville website.

“This is really about making sure that we are protecting residents and businesses where it is relevant. If people feel the current restriction area is too wide or covers streets that do not require regulation we need to hear from them.”

Public comment on the new local law is open until 5pm on 3 July.

For more information, head to our Have Your Say Townsville website