Have your say on Botanical Gardens masterplan

Date published: 3 July 2020

The Townsville community is being asked to provide feedback on a plan that, once finalised, will guide the management of the city’s three botanic gardens – Queens Park, Anderson Gardens and the Palmetum - for the next 10 years.

The Botanic Gardens Masterplan is live on Townsville’s Have Your Say platform for feedback now.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said the city’s three botanic gardens were popular with locals and tourists alike and it was essential that any enhancements to be made were carefully planned.

“It’s important that the community has their say on this masterplan because it really outlines the direction and future upgrades to our botanical gardens across the next ten years,” Cr Hill said.

“We initially ran a survey on our Have Your Say Townsville platform where residents were invited to inform us about how they use the gardens and what they would like to see, and this masterplan incorporates those responses.

“Going back out to the community is the next stage in adopting the masterplan and once we have received this feedback, we can move ahead and include it in our future planning.”

Infrastructure Committee Chair Cr Mark Molachino said the masterplan identifies the major projects that would take priority at each of the gardens.

“The idea behind the masterplan is that Council can go into the next ten years with a strategy and plan for maintaining and upgrading each of our botanical gardens,” Cr Molachino said.

“That includes maintenance on our irrigation systems, updating our plant catalogues or even introducing education programs for the community.

“It’s important that residents take the time to provide feedback on the draft plan because this sets the tone for the gardens until 2030.”

Public consultation will close on Monday 27 July.

To view the draft masterplan and have your say, visit the Have Your Say Townsville website