Pipelines being laid for Townsville’s future

Date published: 17 January 2020

Work crews are making great progress installing the pipelines that will carry recycled water to irrigate Townsville’s parks and gardens.

Townsville City Council’s Recycled Water Re-use Scheme will provide water for parks, schools and open spaces – as well as major venues including Queensland Country Bank Stadium, Murray Sporting Complex and Lavarack Barracks.

The pipelines are being laid in the same trench as the pipe for the Southern Suburbs Rising Main.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said recycled water was a key part of Council’s three-point water security solution.

“The Haughton Pipeline and the Water Smart Package have received most of the attention, but the Recycled Water Re-use Scheme is just as important,” Cr Hill said.

“It will help us save 15 megalitres of drinking water a day. That’s a significant saving, it is the equivalent of about six Olympic-sized swimming pools.

“Council will use high-quality Class A+ recycled water to service parklands and sporting fields so it is very safe to use for irrigation on public spaces and it can also be used to wash cars, machinery and toilet flushing.

“This project wouldn’t be possible without the financial support of the State Government – their funding has given us the opportunity to upgrade crucial infrastructure.”

Water and Waste Committee Chair, Cr Russ Cook, said the Southern Suburbs Rising Main pipelines would improve capacity and cater for future growth.

“Southern Suburbs Rising Main will support the projected population growth in the area for the next 30 years,” Cr Cook said.

“The project will cater for more residential development but it will also support major centres such as Lavarack Barracks, Townsville Hospital and James Cook University.”

Division 10 councillor Les Walker said Council’s 2019-20 Budget included more than $400 million for new and enhanced infrastructure across the city.

“These water-saving projects show we are being smart with our money. Laying the recycled water and rising main pipelines together reduces the costs for Council,” Cr Walker said.

“The Southern Suburbs Rising Main project received $5 million in funding from the Queensland Government so I’d like to thank them for their support.”