Get in quick to perform at Festival of One Act Plays

Date published: 24 February 2020

North Queensland actors and directors are being urged to get their registrations in for Townsville’s biennial Festival of One Act Plays (FOOAP).

Townsville City Council’s commitment to fostering artistic talent in the city includes running FOOAP, which is a central part of Townsville’s performing arts landscape.

Community and Cultural Development Committee Chairperson, Councillor Colleen Doyle, said FOOAP was the perfect opportunity for performers wanting to put their work on Townsville’s premiere theatre.

“FOOAP is an excellent reason to get your school group or acting troupe together to put on a high-quality performance at the Civic Theatre,” Cr Doyle said.

“Not only do you get to perform your one act play, but you also have a live audience which includes industry professionals who offer feedback on each production.”

Cr Doyle said it was important that people got their registrations in before they close next month.

“Registrations are only open until 14 March, so you have to get in quick,” she said.

“About six weeks later FOOAP will be held, so now is the time to put together a team, get your registration in and start rehearsing.”

FOOAP will be held on 4 May.

To register for FOOAP visit What's On Townsville.