New playground and barbecue area in Illich Park open now

Date published: 24 August 2020

A new playground and barbecue area in Aitkenvale’s Illich Park is now open.

Cr Hill said the new facilities had been installed as part of a $6 million upgrade of the much-loved park, which also included the development of the 65-megalitre detention basin on the site to improve drainage in the suburb. Work on the detention basin will be completed soon.

“While there’s still some finishing touches to be added to the detention basin, I’m delighted that we’re able to open the new playground and barbecue area now so residents can come out and enjoy these new facilities in this beautiful winter weather we’re currently enjoying,” Cr Hill said.

“Playgrounds and parks, like Illich Park, are a fantastic way to get kids outside and encourage them to play and stay active.

“I’d like to thank the Australian Government for its support in delivering this project, which I’m sure will ensure the park remains a much-loved community asset for many years into the future.”

Federal Member for Herbert Phillip Thompson said he was thrilled to see the playground opened for the community.

“It’s fantastic to see the Community Development Grants Programme providing funding to build and improve critical infrastructure and amenities,” Mr Thompson said.

“Townsville residents deserve the best infrastructure that is safe and accessible – which is why I’m happy that the CCTV, shade and pathways were a key part of the project.”

Sport and Recreation Committee chairperson and local councillor Maurie Soars said the fully revitalised Illich Park would cater for a growing sporting base.

“The upgrades to Illich Park include new outdoor fitness equipment, a basketball half court and drinking fountains which will really encourage people to stay fit and active,” Cr Soars said.

“To accommodate for the increased uses, 32 new parking bays have also been put in along Elizabeth Street.

“The project also included the installation of additional lighting, new picnic shelters, seating, and electric barbecues.”