Imperium3 Townsville to move to next stage of development

Date published: 17 August 2020

Townsville City Council welcomes today’s announcement that the Imperium3 Townsville (iM3TSV) board has decided to proceed to the next stage in the development of its 18 GWh lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing facility in Townsville.

Magnis Energy Technologies, which owns one-third of iM3TSV, has announced to the Australian Stock Exchange that iM3TSV will now start discussions with potential equity partners on the project.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said the decision was a vote of confidence in the Townsville region.

“This is another exciting step in seeing this jobs-generating development established in our city,” Cr Hill said.

“In addition to seeking project funding, iM3TSV is also moving forward with its development application to Council.”

Cr Hill said the announcement underlined the importance of bringing the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct to fruition.

“I will be seeking funding support from the Member for Herbert to ensure the Lansdown precinct is ready to support thousands of new jobs as we continue to attract manufacturing companies which want to establish themselves in the Townsville region,” she said.

“This is not just about iM3TSV – there are a lot of manufacturers looking at the North as a potential base and we must have a suitable location ready to go.

“Developing the Lansdown site into a turn-key site is one of TaskforceNQ’s priority projects to stimulating economic activity and jobs for the region. It’s a shovel-ready project. All we need is funding from the Australian Government.”