Virtual exhibitions bring Perc Tucker Regional Gallery inside your home

Date published: 8 April 2020

Perc Tucker Regional Gallery is taking its exhibitions online with virtual tours of Stewart MacFarlane’s Outside Looking In and Reflections: The TNQ7 Film Archive Project.

Townsville City Galleries creative director Jonathan McBurnie said the virtual tours were an essential way to continue delivering world-class exhibitions to Townsville while also adhering to social distancing restrictions in place to help slow the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

“We’re really pleased to be able to offer this option from Perc Tucker Gallery to the Townsville community and to those further afield in other towns and cities,” Dr McBurnie said.

“These virtual tours are being created by local team Top Snap Townsville and will be easy to access – all you’ll have to do is visit the Current Exhibitions page on Council’s website and click on the exhibition you’d like to view, or follow the links on the Townsville City Galleries Facebook or Instagram pages.

“Townsville City Galleries staff, Stewart MacFarlane and the team behind Reflections: The TNQ7 Film Archive Project have worked hard to present these exhibitions, so it’s great to be able to still show these works.”

But it’s not only exhibitions that are going online.

Dr McBurnie said two school holiday workshops were online to keep children busy while social distancing.

“We normally have a large amount of traffic through our galleries during school holidays to take part in our workshops, so we don’t want anyone to miss out,” he said.

“It’s easy to get involved with our online workshops – head to our website, and follow along with the Townsville Time Travel and Miniature Model Homes videos and instructions.

“When you’re done, post a picture on our Facebook page so we can see all of the works of art that have been created at home.”

Outside Looking In and Reflections: The TNQ7 Film Archive Project run online from this Friday until 17 May. Both exhibitions will be virtually toured online.

Townsville Galleries’ free online workshops are available online.