The Alligator Creek Bowls Club has been established as an evacuation centre and will be open at midday.
Properties in Nome, Julago and Alligator Creek areas may experience intense rainfall on top of already elevated flood levels. This may cause fast moving and rapidly rising water levels leading to flash flooding. Residents are advised to move to higher ground if concerned.
The Bluewater Community Centre has been reopened as an evacuation centre.
Townsville City Council is providing free sand and sandbags at the following locations.
A rock slide has occurred on Sturt St and a lane is closed to traffic.
The Townsville Local Disaster Management Group has activated the disaster response call centre for any information relating to the current weather event.
Townsville City Council is providing free sand and sandbags at the various locations for residents.
Townsville City Council’s Animal Shelter has been closed and animals are being relocated due to flooded roads around the shelter and potential flooding of some animal pens.
The Bluewater Community Centre has been established as an evacuation centre.
The Townsville Local Disaster Management Group (TLDMG) has moved to ‘Stand Up’ as heavy rain continues to fall over the Townsville area.
The spillway gates on Ross River Dam will be opened today, as the level approaches 100 per cent.
The Townsville Local Disaster Management Group has moved to ‘Alert’ as the wet weather continues.
Townsville City Council is launching a new simpler, faster and better grants program.
Townsville City Council is providing free sand and sandbags for residents who may need them throughout the wet weather this week.
Several local firms are big winners from Townsville City Council’s $10 million Water Smart Package.
Townsville’s Bowhunters can keep their eyes on their targets thanks to a new 10-year lease with Townsville City Council.
Work has begun to green up the CBD by planting trees throughout the city – and supporting 20 local jobs.
Townsville’s Australia Day Awards winners have been recognised by the community in a ceremony at Jezzine Barracks today.
Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill and Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk toured the local advanced manufacturing plant creating the fittings for the city’s new water pipeline.
Townsville City Council is celebrating Australia Day with a jam-packed community event.