First Nations artists invited to enter artwork competition

Date published: 11 September 2019

Townsville City Council is developing a Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and is looking for a local First Nations person to brand the plan.

Council is holding an artwork competition for local First Nations persons over the age of 15 and is giving them a chance to have their artwork as the feature of the Reconciliation Action Plan.

Community and Cultural Development Committee Cr Colleen Doyle said the competition is a great way to encourage artistically talented people to get involved and play a part in developing the RAP.

“The 2020-2023 RAP will guide Council’s improvements in diversity and inclusivity, and identify opportunities for greater collaboration with First Nations people,” Cr Doyle said.

“We want this document to reflect the real strides Council wants to make towards reconciliation and the artwork should promote the values and aspirations of the local First Nations community.

“This is fantastic opportunity to have local First Nations play a part in designing the document and there are prizes on offer for our first, second and third place artworks.”

First prize will win $2,500 and their artwork will be displayed on the RAP, 2nd place will receive $1,000 and third place will win $500.

For more information, or to enter, visit ATSI.