Stinger net installation marks beginning of stinger season

Date published: 28 October 2019

The start of November is here and with it is stinger season and the installation of the stinger nets.

Townsville City Council and lifeguards across the city are rolling out the stinger nets at major beaches in the area including Balgal Beach, The Strand, Magnetic Island and Pallarenda.

Community Health and Environment Committee Chair Cr Ann-Maree Greaney said the roll-out of swimmer nets offers protection to beach-goers during the warmer months.

“As the weather begins to warm up, we put the nets back in to help prevent any injuries caused by some of the stingers we get in the area,” Cr Greaney said.

“The protection offered by these nets allows our visitors and residents to enjoy our North Queensland lifestyle every day.”

Cr Greaney said that swimmers should still take precautions to protect themselves even when swimming in the nets.

“The stinger nets do offer a high level of protection, but they aren’t able to stop every sting. We do encourage residents to be aware of this and take other steps to protect themselves.

“Swimmers may like to use a stinger suit and carry vinegar with them to help mitigate any extra risk of being stung.

“I’d also like to remind beach-goers to protect themselves from the sun by following the slip, slop, slap, sleek and slide method and keeping exposure to a minimum.”

Council contracts Uninet to deploy the nets at Townsville’s popular beaches at the beginning of the stinger season.

The nets will be installed as follows:

Tuesday 29 October: Balgal Beach

Wednesday 30 October: Picnic Bay & Horseshoe Bay

Thursday 31 October: North and South Strand beaches

Friday 1 November: Pallarenda, Forrest Beach