Flood waste pick-up finishes as annual kerbside collection begins

Date published: 6 March 2019

The flood kerbside collection will finish today with Townsville City Council staff finalising the clean-up in the worst-affected suburbs.

The flood waste collection was a joint effort with Council crews and Australian Defence Force personnel doing pick-ups throughout suburbs including Idalia, Hermit Park, Railway Estate, and Oonoonba.

The waste collection was limited to flood affected house contents and no demolition waste has been collected by Council crews.

Townsville Local Recovery and Resilience Group Chair Cr Les Walker said the flood waste collection was an important part of helping residents with their recovery.

“There has been over 25,000 tonnes of waste recorded across all of our facilities and this includes what has been collected by the ADF and Council staff,” Cr Walker said.

“The clean-up has been a massive job for all organisations involved and I can’t thank everyone enough for their efforts.

“We still have a long way to go before the city has completely recovered but this has been a good start.”

Townsville Water and Waste Committee Chair Cr Russ Cook said the annual kerbside collection is starting at the end of the month.

“Our annual kerbside collection is going to begin on 25 March straight off the back of the flood waste pick up,” Cr Cook said.

“The collection is going to run over a seven-month period and residents can find their suburbs collection dates on Council’s website.

“We are asking residents to wait until seven days before their collection date before they begin placing their rubbish on the kerb.”

Recyclables and green waste are also free to dispose of at Council’s waste facilities all year round.

All recovery information is available through the Emergency Management Dashboard.