Council endorses plan to convert city church
Date published: 1 March 2019
Townsville City Council has approved an application to convert Potters House, a historic church in the city.
The church used to be the Townsville Baptist Church and it has been the home of Potter’s House Christian Fellowship since 1985.
Full Council has approved a Material Change of Use (MCU) for the Sturt Street site, however further approvals are required before the development can proceed.
Planning and Development Committee Chair Deputy Mayor Les Walker said the site will have multiple uses.
“The church will become an office for an architectural firm and an attached hall will be converted into a one bedroom unit,” Cr Walker said
“A new development will house a small café.
“The church is listed on the State Government’s Queensland Heritage Register and we referred the application to the Department of Environment and Science.
“The State Government found it minimises any impacts on the church as the café is detached from the church and doesn’t alter or hide the heritage features.”
The church building will be re-roofed and painted and its interior walls, doors and windows will be repaired.
Cr Walker said the proposed business and café would only open during standard business hours.
“The café will be positioned along Fletcher Street to minimise its impact on nearby residents,” Cr Walker said.
“The café will have some seating available but it won’t prepare any meals on site – it will sell coffee, cakes and pre-made sandwiches.”