Up to 1000 local jobs to flow from pipeline

Date published: 25 January 2019

Stage 1 of the new Townsville water pipeline is on track to support up to 1000 jobs over the life of the state funded project.

Almost 250 workers have been inducted on site so far, with even more local jobs to be supported when the installation work ramps up over coming months.

Some of the works on the project include pipe installation, logistics, site preparation, project management, engineering, construction and advanced manufacturing.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said the pipeline is one of the biggest job generating projects in North Queensland.

“The pipeline is crucial to securing the city’s future water supply but it’s also playing an important role in our economic recovery,” Cr Hill said.

“This project is employing truckies, engineers, labourers and training our city’s workforce in new advanced manufacturing techniques.

“The benefits from this project will be felt for decades to come.”

The Queensland Government fast tracked its $225 million funding package in last month’s budget update, bringing forward the money to enable completion this year.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the project was creating jobs, boosting local advanced manufacturing as well as ensuring the city’s water supply for the future.

“Water is vital for the residents of Townsville, but it’s also important that my government invests in projects which provide jobs for local workers and stimulate local industry,” Ms Palaszczuk said.

“I congratulate Council for managing the project in such a way to give Townsville industry and Townsville workers a crucial role in this future focused scheme.”

Townsville Water and Waste Committee Chairman Cr Russ Cook said the pipeline was Council’s top infrastructure priority and was on track for completion in December.

“The first sections of pipe have been installed in the ground by NQ Excavations, which is a crucial milestone,” Cr Cook said.

“Hundreds of locals are working on the pipeline – including on site and in local businesses supplying the project – to build one of the biggest infrastructure projects in the North.

“Locals can expect more announcements soon, with even more jobs to flow from the pipeline project.

“The pipeline is a key plank of Council’s 3-point water security solution.”

Council’s 3-point water security solution includes:

  1. The new 1.8-metre diameter pipeline
  2. A recycled water scheme for community spaces and industrial use
  3. Water Smart Package