Townsville Local Disaster Management Group moves to Stand Up

Date published: 30 January 2019

The Townsville Local Disaster Management Group (TLDMG) has moved to ‘Stand Up’ as heavy rain continues to fall over the Townsville area.

TLDMG Chair Mayor Jenny Hill said the rain event has caused flooding in outer areas of the city – such as Bluewater.

“Significant amount of rain has fallen across Townsville – with flash flooding occurring in some areas,” Cr Hill said.

“We want all residents to take the necessary precautions to stay safe in the wet conditions.

“It’s important that motorists don’t drive in flooded roads – if it’s flooded forget it – and people take precautions to ensure they stay safe in the wet.”

Cr Hill said the TLDMG will monitor the weather and provide updates to the community regularly.

“Anyone wanting to stay up to date should visit Council’s Emergency Management Dashboard.”

Visit Council’s Emergency Management Dashboard for more information.