Townsville kids hit the books for Summer Reading Club

Date published: 13 December 2019

Kids from across Townsville are being encouraged to join the challenge these holidays with Townsville City Council’s Summer Reading Club.

The club includes fun rewards for students and is designed to encourage children to keep reading during the school holidays.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said it was essential for children to maintain their literacy levels before returning to school in 2020.

“We know that literacy plays a large part not only in English classes, but across all subjects taught at school,” Cr Doyle said.

“Council is committed to making sure there are publicly-available ways for students to hone their literacy skills and develop a lifelong love of learning.

“Last year we had more than 16,000 books read by more than 1000 participants.”

To take part in the Summer Reading Club, students register in an online portal, create their own customisable avatar and collect rewards like free books and event tickets.

Community and Cultural Development Chairwoman, Councillor Colleen Doyle, said the incentives were a great way to keep kids interested in reading outside of the classroom.

“This is a way to show children across Townsville that stories are everywhere and just waiting to be discovered,” Cr Doyle said.

“When kids read five books, they are rewarded with a free book that has a ticket to our members’ event, which is a movie night at the library, and the final members’ event.

“The final members’ event will be held at Sk8way, where kids will receive a certificate for taking part in Summer Reading Club. Anyone who’s read more than 25 books will also receive a special prize.”

Summer Reading Club is open to children from birth to 16.

To register, visit Summer Reading Club 2019.