Council starts trek to transform Mount Louisa

Date published: 27 December 2019

Townsville City Council is calling for tenders to design and construct the first Mount Louisa walking track.

The track will be in the first works on the ground as part of the Mount Louisa Open Space Masterplan.

Acting Mayor Les Walker said work on the track would start early in 2020

“We have engaged a great local company, Edenstone Masonry, to supply the steps for the initial walking track from Bayswater Road,” Cr Walker said

“Council will use more than 600 steps on this trail and our staff have already ordered 150 so the contractor can start work as soon as the project is awarded.”

Cr Walker said local track expert Peter McLean has been working on the concept design.

“Peter McLean’s fingerprints are on the best trails in the region, ranging from Castle Hill to James Cook University,” Cr Walker said.

“He’s completed the preliminary design to go out to tender and we’re now seeking an experienced walking track builder to deliver the project.”

Cr Walker said the walking track will unlock an important community asset.

“Residents have told us how much they value open spaces so I’m sure this track will be very popular,” Cr Walker said.

“There will be great spots for people to stop and enjoy the view and the trail will give people a great alternative to Castle Hill.

“Walkers will have access to a new car park on Weston Street and Council will also repair some of eroded tracks on Mount Louisa.”

The tender for this project close 5pm Friday 24 January 2020. All tender documents can be accessed and downloaded from