Annual Report demonstrates strong financial management and service delivery

Date published: 10 December 2019

Townsville City Council has adopted the 2018/2019 Annual Report at the Full Council meeting today.

The report highlights the effective financial management of Council, with a small operating surplus despite the costs associated with the unprecedented monsoon.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said the Annual Report demonstrated Council’s commitment to being fiscally responsible and delivering quality services to the community.

“The 2018/19 financial year was not without challenges, largely due to the monsoon we experienced at the beginning of the year,” Cr Hill said.

“It’s a credit to the leadership of Council that despite facing an unprecedented natural disaster, we are able to deliver a balanced budget and strong operating results.

“As a Council, we are dedicated to delivering quality infrastructure that will benefit our community into the future and that is what we will continue to do with our 2019/20 Budget.”

Council had received a two-month Ministerial extension to adopt the Annual Report to allow time to finalise financial statements following the disaster in February.

Governance and Finance Committee Chair Cr Verena Coombe said the Annual Report showed the hard work put in across Council to deliver services for the community.

“Gone are the days when a Council only focuses on roads, rates and rubbish – we do so much more for our residents and that’s really reflected in this Annual Report,” Cr Coombe said.

“In the 2018/19 financial year, we saw the completion of the Local Disaster Coordination Centre, we also began hosting Townsville Eats, held another successful kerbside collection, taken on another 30 apprentices and driven many other initiatives.

“This is a testament to the strong leadership and vision of Council and the drive we have to improve how we deliver for our residents.”

View the 2018/2019 Annual Report on our Corporate Information page.