Seniors embrace Magnetic Island fitness trail

Date published: 29 April 2019

Magnetic Island residents and visitors are making the most of Townsville’s first fitness trail for seniors at Geoffrey Bay.

The Magnetic Island Seniors Fitness Trail (MISFiT) has three fitness zones that are designed for older users.

The Queensland Government committed $100,000 to the development through its Advancing Queensland: an age-friendly community grants program.

Local Councillor Ann-Maree Greaney said the Townsville City Council project is proving popular.

“We surveyed users of the facilities and the overwhelming response was really positive,” Cr Greaney said.

“One of the trail users told us it is the best gym in the world and many others told us how much they enjoy it.

“Some people are using MISFiT daily and others told us they are there five days a week.”

Community and Cultural Development Committee Chair Cr Colleen Doyle said the fitness trail is a new experience for some users.

“It is the first seniors targeted fitness project in the city. The project reflects the demographics of the island,” Cr Doyle said.

“A lot of the people surveyed were in their sixties and they told it is in an ideal location.

“It is a drawcard for fitness seekers but people also use the zones to break up their walk.”

Cr Doyle said MISFiT’s three fitness zones focus on different areas.

“Zone 1 focusses on strength and stability, zone 2 tests balance and brain training and zone 3 challenges movement and mobility,” Cr Doyle said.

“The equipment is perfect for older people but just as importantly it is an area where they can socialise with others and make new friends.

“An early morning workout with water views is a great way to start the day.”