Major suburban park upgrade supporting 20 local jobs

Date published: 30 April 2019

Work on a multimillion-dollar park upgrade in Heatley has commenced, with the project supporting up to 20 local jobs.

The project includes new playground equipment, a pump track, upgraded sporting fields, CCTV installation, lighting improvements, footpaths, shade sails and park benches.

The project – being completed by JMac Constructions – received $3.1 million from the Palaszczuk Government’s Works for Queensland program.

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said she was proud to deliver on another commitment to the community.

“Myself and my team of Councillors gave a commitment to upgrade parks and public spaces in Heatley and right across our community,” Cr Hill said.

“This upgrade will significantly improve a major local park in the area and be a big win for local families.”

Member for Thuringowa Aaron Harper said the Heatley Park upgrade will be a huge improvement on the existing facilities.

“Locals in Heatley have been requesting major investments in upgrading community infrastructure in their area – and the Palaszczuk Government and Townsville City Council have listened,” Mr Harper said.

“This is another great example of how the partnership between the Palaszczuk Government and Council is building better communities and supporting local jobs.”

Infrastructure Committee Chair Cr Mark Molachino said Council was committed to upgrading and improving parks and public spaces right across the community.

“This project is not only upgrading an important suburban park but it is supporting up to 20 local jobs,” Cr Molachino said.

“Council understands that upgrading community infrastructure benefits locals in a big way but also provides a major boost to our economy.”

Local Councillor Kurt Rehbein said the Heatley Park upgrade has been one of the priority projects he has been advocating for.

“I’m very proud to be part of a team of Councillors that continue to deliver for locals living in Heatley and surrounding suburbs,” Cr Rehbein said.

“Heatley Park is really important to the local community but it was definitely in need of a significant upgrade – and with the support of the Queensland Government we are delivering it.”