Council completing erosion repairs on Horseshoe Bay

Date published: 5 April 2019

Townsville City Council is completing remedial erosion works at Horseshoe Bay following the unprecedented monsoon.

Works include pushing sand up the beach to stabilise the beach and reduce any steep slopes to make the area safer for residents and visitors to Horseshoe Bay.

Townsville Local Recovery and Resilience Group (TLLRG) Chair Cr Les Walker said the works had been delayed to ensure they are completed near the end of the wet season.

“Council began erosion works in Horseshoe Bay yesterday in the lead up to the school holidays,” Cr Walker said.

“Council staff have been monitoring coastal areas around the city and are looking for ways to build our environment back better following the unprecedented monsoon.”

Community Health and Environment Chair and Local Councillor Ann-Maree Greaney said erosion repair works are crucial for Magnetic Island residents and visitors.

“Horseshoe Bay is highly susceptible to erosion, particularly during the wet season, and Council has planned these works to ensure the area is ready for school holidays,” Cr Greaney said.

“The works are important to keep the beach area safe for both residents and visitors using the area.”

Annual Horseshoe Bay sand transfer works are scheduled to be completed in June and Council is reviewing long-term coastal management plan options for the area.

Cr Greaney said an important part of reviewing the coastal management plan is engaging with Magnetic Island residents to understand how the community uses Horseshoe Bay.

“Council is looking for long-term coastal management options that will compliment usage of the Horseshoe Bay area,” Cr Greaney said.

“We are asking residents to complete a short survey to us find a solution that suits the Magnetic Island community and protect the beautiful coastline along Horseshoe Bay.”

For more information or to fill out the survey, visit our Community Consultations page.